Friday, February 23, 2007

Tennesse Titans' Adam (Pacman) Jones Loses $81,000

Will it ever end with professional athletes and crimes, especially shootings?

This time in Las Vegas, Tennessee Titans Cornerback Adam (Pacman) Jones lost $81,000 at a strip club. The money had sparked a melee and a triple shooting at the strip club. Las Vegas Police later found the money and seized it.

It was reported that Jones was "showering" more than 40 strippers with cash "intended as a visual effect". Instead, a scuffle ensued when the Houston promoter who hired the strippers told them to pick up the money. The promoter, and a male associate, took a plastic trash bag containing Jones' money and walked out the door. The money was later recovered in Mitchell's hotel room safe.

Jones' lawyer indicated that Jones did not know anyone involved in the shooting.

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